This law sets standards for produce cart permitting and operation on vacant city-owned lots to increase community access to fresh produce.
See references to "promot[ing] residents' access to fresh produce ..." and "promot[ing] the health of the community by increasing access to fresh produce." §§ 22-1258, -1259.
The intent of the law is "to promote residents' access to fresh produce by implementing a fresh produce cart program" and its purpose is "to promote the health of the community by increasing access to fresh produce." §§ 22-1258, -1259.
§ 22-1260.
The city clerk is responsible for issuing permits. The city clerk works with representatives from the city health department to issue rules and regulations. § 22-1261.
Violations may result in denial, rufusal to renew, suspension, or revocation of a permit, in addition to a $303.00 fine. § 22-1263.
This policy is located in the Municipal Code of the City of Racine, Chapter 22 - Businesses, Professions, and Occupations, Article XXXIV - Produce Carts. History: Ord. No. 07-14, pt. 1, 6-17-14.