This law directs city staff to create and maintain a web portal that allows food donors, such as restaurants and grocery stores, to post the availability of food that would otherwise go to waste. Food donation recipients are able to communicate with potential food donors about their needs and details for receiving and delivery.
Law is attempting to reduce food waste by connecting donors and recipients, which could have environmental benefits.
"Within eighteen months after the effective date of the local law…the department [of sanitation] …with the department of information technology…[shall] create or modity and maintain a web portal …that will allow prospective food donors and recipients post notifications concerning the availability of food, including food that would otherwise go to waste, and to arrange for the transportation or retrieval of such food." §§ 16-101 and 16-497.
This policy is located in New York City, New York Administrative Code, Title 16 - Sanitation, Chapter 4-G - Food Donation Web Portal, Section 16-497. History: L.L. 2017/176, 9/8/2017.