Policy Summary

This provisions in this chapter allow for and regulate the keeping of non-crowing fowl, goats, and rabbits. If spacing, sanitation, enclosure, feeding and other requirements are met, persons may generally keep up to 20 fowl, with permits required for keeping of more than five chickens. Goats may be kept by permit, provided they are microchipped, but food produced by such goats is only allowed for personal consumption by members of the permittee's household, and shall not be sold, donated or otherwise distributed to any other person. Exactly (no more and no less than) two live goats may be kept on residential property within the City, except that offspring may be kept on the property for up to six (6) months from birth. Other requirements for goats are specified including for enclosures, spacing, and neutering. More relaxed requirements for rabbits are also specified. There are also prohibitions against locking of fowl wings; dying fowl and rabbits; and selling, offering, giving away and bartering of very young rabbits and fowl as pets, toys, premiums or novelties. Certain exemptions to the limitations specified in these provisions apply for commercial operations, including for raising of animals for food purposes.

Background Information

State California
Jurisdiction Name Long Beach
Jurisdiction Type City,
Population Size 200,000-800,000
Food System Category Grow;

Policy Details

Refers to priority populations?

Emergency management?
Health-related linkage?

References relate to sanitation and safety priorities, such as "animals shall be kept and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and such dealers shall conform to and abide by the rules and regulations of the Health Department." § 6.20.050.

Environmental linkage?

Economic linkage?

The chapter includes exemptions on certain animal-keeping limitations for some commercial activities, such as this language: "[t]his Section shall not be construed to prohibit the display or sale of rabbits, chicks, ducklings or other fowl in proper facilities by dealers, hatcheries or stores engaged in the business of selling the same to be raised for food purposes." § 6.20.110(d).

Has a stated intent or purpose?

Includes definitions?

§ 6.20.010.


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