This 2020 amendment to the New York City Charter requires the office of food policy to formulate a comprehensive 10-year food plan within 180 days after the effective date of the amendment. It requires the office of food policy to include recommendations relating to reducing hunger, improving nutrition, increasing access to healthy food, reducing food waste, developing and improving food and farm economies, and increasing urban agriculture and sustainability in the plan; and to include implementation strategies and benchmarks to measure the City's progress. It directs the office of food policy to consult with agencies, community based organizations, community leaders and food system stakeholders that focus on food policy, food equity, food justice and food insecurity in formulating the plan. It also directs the office to publish additional reports assessing the city’s progress toward the 10-year plan recommendations every two years and to submit them to the Mayor, the Speaker of the Council, and to publish them on the office's website. The amendment includes an automatic sunset provision, which will automatically repeal it's provisions 12 years after their effective date.
See references to "food insecurity" and "hunger." Local Law No. 40.
See references to "nutrition" and "healthy food." Local Law No. 40.
See references to "food waste" and "sustainability." Local Law No. 40.
See reference to "farm and food economies." Local Law No. 40.