The law establishes a licensing scheme for applying for licenses to keep animals and bees within the city. The law allows for a 2 year license, and if in a residential area, requires at least 21 day notice of the application to property owners (but not renters) of property adjoining where the bees/animals would be housed. Also says that input from "neighbors" may be considered in approving/denying the application. Also allows for licenses to be granted for lots that are vacant or unoccupied, with conditions.
States that licenses may be denied if there are unsafe or unsanitary conditions (205.04 b (1); and that that compliance with Section 347.02 of the Zoning Code (regarding sanitation and nuisances and operational practices in the keeping of farm animals or bees) is also necessary.
Contents of license application form, 205.04); process for approves/denial of applications, including collecting providing notice to neighbors of property for which application is sought (205.04 (b)); Board of Control (sets fees--205.04); approval of the site plan by the Department of Building and Housing 205.04(b)(3).
Violations must be fixed within 7 days of notice; first offense is $50; second offense within 4 months is $75; third offense within 2 year licensing period results in removal of bees/animals. (205.04 (f)).
Part Two, Health Code, Title One: Nuisances and General Provisions, Chapter 205 Animals and Fowl. Legislative history includes Ord. no. 1562-08, adopted on 2-2-09.