Identifies community gardens, farmers markets, and urban agriculture as commercial uses and provides regulations.
Reduce carbon emissions, energy consumption, and water consumption; encourage production of renewable energy and food production. Sec. 50-2.
The council finds: "In order to implement the comprehensive land use plan and to promote the orderly development and redevelopment of property in the city, several ordinances related to land use, permitted construction, and environment protection need to be consolidated into a single unified development chapter" among other findings. Sec. 50-3.
"to protect the public health, safety, and welfare and to implement goals and objectives of the comprehensive land use plan using those authorities over the development, redevelopment, use and occupancy of land and structures, and over the protection on the environment, granted to the city by the state..." Sec. 50-2.
Art. VI, Sec. 50.41.
The land use supervisor is responsible for plan review, temporary and sidewalk permits 50-36.4; the building official is responsible for approving/denying zoning permits and other permits (sec. 50-36.5).
"May be fined as provided in Section 1-7 or Sec 12-6 of the City Code"(sec. 50-39.3).
Legislative Code, ch. 50; art. III-Permitted Uses, § 50-20.3(B) (1-4)-Commercial Uses (p.105-107 of pdf).