Laws and policies relating to promoting healthy eating and access to healthy food can often spark controversy. These kinds of policies may draw charges of government overreach into personal liberties and rights. Having research or evidence to support the need for a proposed policy change can help counteract these concerns.
Many healthy eating laws and policies are novel and innovative, so the scientific evidence supporting this area is in early stages. For some types of policies (such as school food related policies, or policies in child care centers), more research has been done; for others, the scientific evidence basis is emerging. Thus, in addition to scientific evidence, advocates, community members, and policymakers can also build their own evidence through the use of surveys, interviews, and lived experience.
The Healthy Food Policy Project has begun to identify and organize publicly available sources that collect or provide reviews of scientific research on laws and policies (including policy ideas) to promote healthy eating and/or access to healthy food. The sources provided here do not focus on specific articles or reports; rather, they are online, publicly accessible databases, listings, and compilations of research, and primarily of systematically reviewed research, related to healthy eating policy and nutrition. A systematic review is a methodological search of scientific studies and reports that collects and analyzes relevant research to create a summary of the available evidence.
We understand that this list is not comprehensive, and of course, it does not include other important forms of evidence such as community members’ lived experiences and practice-based evidence. But we hope it provides a good starting point for those interested in learning more about the scientific evidence for healthy food policy. We plan to continue to grow this resource, so if you know of an online source not listed here that you believe might be helpful, please let us know.
Source | Description and Examples of Food Policies Addressed | Notes |
McMaster University, Health Evidencei |
A large database of systematic reviews in public health. Topics include:
Use the advanced search feature and select “Policy and Legislation” for the Intervention Strategy.
Includes international resources. |
County Health Rankings, What Works for Healthii |
A database of laws and policies focused on healthy eating, active living, tobacco control, and other public health concerns. The site also provides an evidence ranking, the expected benefit, and specific examples of effectiveness for policies. Policy Approach categories relevant to food:
Examples of policies and programs ranked in this database include:
Search under the “Diet and Exercise” section. |
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC “Winnable Battles” iii |
A site describing various public health policy approaches that are considered “winnable.” Topics include:
This FAQ sheetiv is a helpful companion resource. |
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviewsv | A site for systematic reviews in health care and health policy. Searchable topics include Public Health, which includes a Food Supply and Access subtopic. Relevant results include:
Includes international resources. |
Healthy Eating Research Programvi | A site with healthy eating and food access research and publications. Searchable focus areas include:
Searchable by resource type, age group, and race and ethnicity. |
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Community Guidevii | A site that classifies public health interventions into categories based on the strength of the evidence. Relevant sections include:
Sortable by topic area, resource type, and finding type. |
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Healthy People 2020viii | A site with a list of national health goals and relevant data. Resources are ranked by strength of evidence. Examples include:
The site can be searched using a sortable list of criteria including “Topic Areas,” one of which is “Nutrition and Weight Status.” |
University of York Centre for Reviews and Disseminationix | A site of providing systematic reviews of health and social care interventions. The site provides results from several other databases and published articles. Examples of helpful results:
Includes international resources. |
USDA Nutrition Evidence Systematic Reviewx | A site with systematic reviews to inform federal nutrition policy and programs. Sample resources:
Includes international resources. |
Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation,xi Institute of Medicine of the National Academies | A site that provides a compilation of policies recommended by the National Academy of Medicine. Covers a large number of topics, such as:
Click the “Contents” icon in the top left corner to access different chapters and/or search the whole book for different key terms. Helpful information on this resource is located here.xii |
Strategies to Reduce Sodium Intake in the United States,xiii The Institute of Medicine (now National Academy of Medicine) | A report that provides recommendations for reducing sodium intake. Examples from Chapter 9:xiv
Click the “Contents” icon in the top left corner to access different chapters and/or search by different key terms. |
World Health Organization Global Database on the Implementation of Nutrition Actionxv | An interactive site for sharing standardized information on nutrition mechanisms, policies, and actions. Topics include:
Includes international resources. |
These resources are not currently as substantial or relevant to policy as those listed above. However, they may grow to include more evidence-based information in the future.
University of Prince Edward Island, Evidence Based Practice: Foods and Nutritional Sciencesxvi
A compilation of evidence-based databases regarding food and nutritional sciences, with an emphasis on clinical dietetics practices. Some databases from this resource may be included in the above table. Areas broadly include:
Campbell Collaboration Library of Systematic Reviewsxvii
An international database with systematic reviews, evidence-based summaries and policy briefs on a variety of topics in a variety of settings, one of which is nutrition. Topics include: