Permits "agricultural use" in 6 of 7 districts within the town's "Riverside Overlay District." These uses do not include animal husbandry. Additionally, greenhouses, urban agriculture structures, and solariums are permitted to extend 10 feet above the maximum building height limit.
Refers to "principles of social, economic and environmental responsibility" (§ 330-401(B)); and to a goal of "[p]rovid[ing] for a diverse mix of residential living choices." (§ 330-401(E )(9)).
"Promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Town." § 330-401(B). "Promote sustainable and mixed-use development that creates a network of connected streets, parks, walkways and vibrant street-level storefront commerce that will provide for an activated environment along with a sense of security and safety." § 330-401(E).
"Encourage green building design, including sustainable technologies such as rooftop gardens and agriculture, storm water management, photovoltaic energy sources and other renewable energy and water and energy conservation technologies." § 330-401€.
"Expand employment opportunities throughout the Hamlet Center and surrounding area." § 330-401€.
"This Article is intended to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Town by creating a holistic and comprehensive economic development strategy that utilizes the principles of social, economic and environmental responsibility to reestablish the Hamlet of Riverside as a center of vibrancy within a mixed-use, transit-oriented setting. [It] is intended to create an opportunity for a more economically successful and environmentally responsible hamlet center with a more harmonious and pedestrian-oriented public realm than can be achieved under the regulations in the underlying zoning . . . . The primary purpose of this article is to institute a legally enforceable form-based code within the ROD Zones, based upon [several studies and plans]. This Article establishes development rules and procedures that will result in compact and walkable transit-oriented mixed-use development accessible on foot to the train station in Riverhead. . .This Article is further intended to implement a streamlined process of development application review and approval ... to expedite economic development that fulfills the purposes of this article." § 330-401 (B) and (C). Further explains specific objectives of the Riverside Overlay District to include: expanding employment opportunities; encourage green building design which includes rooftop gardens and agriculture; and other uses. See § 330-401 (E).
"The Building Inspector shall adopt rules ... for the purpose of assuring efficient and uniform administration of its provisions."§ 330-179 (c ).
Violations may be punished by a fine up to $1,000 or imprisonment up to six months, or both, for first offenses. For second and subsequent offenses, fines increase. § 330-186(B).
Part 1, Administrative Legislation; Chapter 330 (Zoning); Article XXXI (Riverside Overlay District (ROD)); Sections 330-403 (Definitions) and 410 (Uses and Development Standards). History: Added 12-22-2015 by L.L. No. 30-2015.