Policy Summary

The law establishes a preference for local producers, local food purchasers, and sustainable businesses in city procurement contracts and purchasing. Bids from these types of businesses are eligible to receive a discount of 2% on bids or evaluation credit of 2%. Businesses can receive multiple discounts/credits for being both local producers and sustainable businesses, up to 4%.

Background Information

State Ohio
Jurisdiction Name Cleveland
Jurisdiction Type City,
Population Size 200,000-800,000
Legal Strategies
  • Requires something, sets standards
  • Creates an incentive for a change
Reach Limited scope
Only applies to purchasing by the city, and has a voluntary component.
Food System Category Distribute; Get;

Policy Details

Refers to priority populations?

Emergency management?
Health-related linkage?

Environmental linkage?

Whereas clauses refer to "purchasing local products will reduce the City's . . . Carbon footprint . .. Thereby decreasing . .. Harmful emissions"; encouraging businesses to follow sustainable practices."

Economic linkage?

Whereas clauses refers to the city continuing to "strengthen our local enconomy by supporting local producers"; "acting as a model for local purchasing policies that support both local and regional business development and economic growth"; "encouraging local business to follow sustainable practices will expedie their participation in high-growth sectors of the economy . . which in turn will encourage more graduates to remain in the . .. region and attract new talent."

Includes findings?

Whereas clauses refer to several benefits of buying local, including strengthening the regional and Cleveland economy, reducing carbon footprint, etc.

Has a stated intent or purpose?

Includes definitions?


Addresses implementation?

Includes directions for how the Office of Equal Opportunity is to implement, how bid discounts and evaluation credits should be applied, and requires contracting departments to develop lists of potential eligible businesses. (Sec. 187A.02, .03, and .05)

Enforcement provisions?

Contracts can be cancelled and performance bonds declared forfeit. (187A.04). If a business engages in fraudulent activity, they can be charged with a first degree misdemanor, and other legal action can be taken against them, and they can be disqualified from contracting with the city for up to 2 years, and the city could claim damages, including liquidated damages. (187A.09)

Evaluation component?

The Director of Equal Opportunity must report annually about utilization of this law, and the Council is to reconsider the scope of the law five years after the effective date (187A.07).

Requires extra investment?

Code context and ordinance history

Part One (Administrative Code), Section XV (Purchases and Contracts); Sections 187A.01-.07 and 187A.99 (Local Producer, Local Food Purchaser, and Sustainable Business Preference Code). History: This law was created by Ord No. 1660-A-09 (adopted April 7, 2010).


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