Article 5.4.12 of the Durham Unified Development Ordinance allows Durham residents to obtain permits to keep domestic chickens as an accessory use of property as long as they meet certain conditions and follow the required standards. Residents may keep up to ten female chickens, and only for personal use. The ordinance regulates how coops must be constructed, distance from the property line, composting of chicken manure and use of the compost.
"Uses authorized under a Limited Agriculture Permit shall not create a detriment to public health or safety" (Sec. 5.4.12(A)(5)).
"The purpose of this section is to authorize and provide standards for the keeping of domesticated chickens. It is intended to enable residents to responsibly keep a small number of female chickens on a non‐commercial basis while limiting the potential adverse impacts on the surrounding neighborhood." (Sec. 5.4.12 (B)).
"'Chicken', 'Chicken Coop', and 'Chicken Pen' are defined in Sec. 17.3, Defined Terms" (Sec. 5.4.12(B)(2)).
Permit Revocation and Removal of Item (Sec. 5.4.12(A)(2))
Durham Unified Development Ordinance, Article 5 (Use Regulations), section 5.4 (Accessory Uses and Structures), 5.4.12 Limited Agriculture (City Only).