Policy Summary

Provides regulations for farmers’ markets, neighborhood farmers’ markets, produce stands, urban farms, community gardens, and Green Grocers. Requires farmers' markets to accept SNAP; and requires farmers' markets to offer "SNAP eligible foods" as defined by city code (at least 51% of revenenue or vendors must come from this type of food), and allows neighborhood farmers' markets to only sell "SNAP eligible foods."

Background Information

State Colorado
Jurisdiction Name Golden
Jurisdiction Type City,
Population Size 5,000-50,000
Legal Strategies
  • Requires something, sets standards
Reach Community-wide
Food System Category Grow; Get;

Policy Details

Refers to priority populations?

Farmers' markets must accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits (Sec. 18.26.010(7)); requires that farmers' market provide SNAP eligible foods such that "a minimum of 51 percent of annual market revenue or 51 percent of market vendors" provide SNAP eligible foods (Sec. 18.26.010(8)); all foods sold at Neighborhood farmers' markets should be "SNAP Eligible Foods" (Sec. 18.26.015(2)).

Emergency management?
Health-related linkage?

Environmental linkage?

local foods 18.26.020(2)

Economic linkage?

Farmers' markets must accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits 18.26.010(7); all foods sold at Neighborhood farmers' markets should be "SNAP Eligible Foods" 18.26.015(2)

Includes findings?

Has a stated intent or purpose?

18.08.010 - Interpretation section includes the following: "The provisions of this title shall be regarded as the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. "

Includes definitions?


Addresses implementation?

The Market Director is responsible for submitting the special use permit application, administering the Federal Food Assistance Program including SNAP, and coordinating vendors and activities at farmers' markets. Section 18.26.010(9). Sections 18.26.015(7) and 18.26.030(4) also have permit requirements.

Enforcement provisions?

"Any person, firm or corporation, either as owner, lessee, occupant or otherwise, who violates or who interferes in any manner with any person in the performance of a right or duty granted or imposed upon him by the provisions of this title, is guilty of a misdemeanor." Sec. 18.08.040

Evaluation component?

Requires extra investment?

Code context and ordinance history

Title 18-planning and zoning, ch. 18.26-urban agriculture regulations. History: Ord. No. 2053, § 1, 3-23-2017 ; Ord. No. 2049, § 2, 2-9-2017


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