Policy Summary

This law, which is enforceable only during declared "emergencies," limits third-party food delivery service fees and requires third-party food delivery service to honor requests from food establishment to opt out of future deliveries when there is no existing contract between the third-party food delivery service and the food establishment. The law provides that "any person or entity that violates any provision of this Chapter during a Declared Emergency shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense."

Background Information

State Nebraska
Jurisdiction Name Lincoln
Jurisdiction Type City,
Population Size 200,000-800,000
Food System Category Process; Distribute; Get;

Policy Details

Refers to priority populations?

Emergency management?
Health-related linkage?

See, e.g., "COVID-19" language. § 90-60-010.

Environmental linkage?

Economic linkage?

See e.g., language implying exemptions for local business such as "Third-Party Food Delivery Service shall not include a Food Establishment that provides its own delivery service not used by any other Food Establishment." § 9.60.010.

Has a stated intent or purpose?

Includes definitions?

§ 9.60.010.


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