Establishes an Urban Agricultural District where urban agricultural uses are allowed either as a permitted or conditional use. Allows no more than 15% coverage of lot by buildings or paved arease, but hoophouses and greenhouses don't count. Table 28G-1 lists permitted and conditional uses (table begins on p. 28-107 of code).
"enhance community health," sec. 28.093(1).
"natural resource protection, preservation of green space," sec. 28.093(1).
"garden-related job training," sec. 28.093(1).
"to ensure that urban garden and farm areas are appropriately located and protected to meet needs for local food production, and to enhance community health, community education, garden-related job training, natural resource protection, preservation of green space, and community enjoyment." Sec. 28.093(1).
Sec. 28.211.
Administrative functions include issuing zoning certificates, approving site plans, maintaining records, etc. (sec. 28.202).
Sec. 28.207 specifies penalties that include a fine not less than $1 and not more than $1,000.
Chapter 28- Zoning Code; Subchapter 28G-Special Districts; § 28.093 Urban Agricultural District (Rev. 12-15-12).