Policy Summary

This law establishes a program which creates a process for small local agricultural producers to become an "approved source" (as provided in the California Retail Food Code) for local retail sales within the county of agriculturally produced commodities (limited to whole uncut fruits or vegetables and limited quantities of unrefrigerated shell eggs). Registration requirements, penalty and fee provisions are included in the ordinance at sections 8.90.040 through .090. As noted in the "declaration of findings and intent," the "program strives to be consistent with current legislative movements to promote opportunities for the public to purchase locally grown, and locally produced products while simultaneously promoting healthier eating, supporting the local economy, and reducing transportation of agricultural products to the market place."

Background Information

State California
Jurisdiction Name Modoc County
Jurisdiction Type County,
Population Size 5,000-50,000
Food System Category Grow; Distribute; Get;

Policy Details

Refers to priority populations?

Emergency management?
Health-related linkage?

Relevant language includes: "fresh fruits, vegetables," and "promoting healthier eating." § 8.90.010.

Environmental linkage?

Relevant language includes: "reducing transportation of agricultural products to the market place" and "locally grown, and locally produced products." § 8.90.010.

Economic linkage?

Relevant language includes: "locally grown, and locally produced products," and "supporting the local economy." § 8.90.010.

Has a stated intent or purpose?

"Locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, and other approved commodities benefit the consumer, the environment, and the community as a whole. It is in the public interest to provide opportunity for small local agricultural producers to sell produce at local retail establishments. The county of Modoc wishes to establish a method whereby small local agricultural producers may become an "approved source" for local retail sales as provided in the California Retail Food Code (Health and Safety Code § 113700 et seq.).This program strives to be consistent with current legislative movements to promote opportunities for the public to purchase locally grown, and locally produced products while simultaneously promoting healthier eating, supporting the local economy, and reducing transportation of agricultural products to the market place." § 8.90.010.

Includes definitions?

§ 8.90.020.


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