These policies allow for special types of city land use agreements, including those linked to community gardens. Policies allow for one year licenses for individual gardens, and licenses of up to 5 years for community gardens (which must be used for non-commercial purposes). These policies apply to the real property inventories owned by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation, and the surplus inventory held by the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Public Property.
Affordable housing projects (5); Creation of new infrastructure or support for existing infrastructure, to improve safety and mobility for children, seniors, and other pedestrians. (5,6)
Health Centers (5)
Storm water management (5)
Guiding principles refer to a goal of eliminating blight, revitalizing communities, and strengthening the city's tax base (P. 1); another goal is " leveraging of previous public investments in infrastructure, job creation, and economic development "(p. 5); "Projects with the potential to spur additional private investment in underperforming commercial corridors, neighborhood centers, and areas of regional economic significance." ( p. 5)
This policy shall be used to promote and regulate the sale and use of city properties (Guiding Principles).
See page 8 (defining "individual garden" and "community garden") in text.
Provides details pertaining to who may purchase and who may be sold to (p. 1 - 10); the City is responsible for reviewing requests for purchasing city owned property and either accepting or declining offers to purchase property. (p. 2,3)
To ensure that these expectations are met, the City will place conditions on land it conveys to achieve the agreed upon outcome and will follow up with a systematic review of these agreements after property has been conveyed. (p. 2)
Uncodified administrative policy, Final version April 20, 2012