Establishes tax credit for grocery stores in underserved areas, including criteria to get the tax credit, which reduces property tax by 75%; limits it to 10 years; provides for earlier termination if store ceases to operate.
This policy may correspond to diet-related strategies identified by the County Health Rankings’ What Works for Health tool, including:
For research on the potential effectiveness, please review the category links above.
We understand that this information is not comprehensive. It also does not include other important forms of evidence such as community members’ lived experiences and practice-based evidence.
Targets economically disadvantaged or underserved area in Prince George's County, including food deserts (§ 10-310(a)(3)).
Food desert; also targets stores that sell fresh produce, meats and dairy products. (§ 10-310(a)(1), (3)).
Provides tax credit to encourage new stores; applies to economically disadvantaged and underserved areas. (§ 10-311).
§ 10-310.
Part of Finance and Taxation subtitle 10; Division 23--Grocery Store Tax Credit. History: CB-18-2014.