Law includes standards for receiving a mobile food vendor license, conditions of operation; also encourages offering of some healthy options and use of compostable materials and energy-efficient resources
§ 8-637 (e) states: "vendors are encouraged to offer at least 25 percent healthy choice meal options as defined by the Somerville Health Department, except that menus providing only desserts/sweets or confectionary items are encouraged to offer at least one healthy option."
Encourages vendors to use energy-efficient resources, and provide consumers with compostable single-service articles, and a recycling container. Forbids use of styrofoam products. § 8-637(b).
§ 8-361.
See 8-363 (relating to application form); 364 (relating to public hearing); 366--relating to criteria for issuing a license)
Law provides for fines, as well as revocation, suspension or modifications of licenses (sec. 8-369)
Located in Chapter 8, Licenses, Permits, and Miscellaneous Business Regulations; Article XV, Mobile Food Vendors; (Ord. No. 2012-08, 10-25-2012 and Ord. No. 2013-06, 6-26-2013).